

5 Ways to Break the Habit of Lying to Yourself

“Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.”~ ThomasJefferson

          “I can’t stand it!”  “我受不了了!”
          “I should be further along in my life !”“我不曉得該怎樣持續!”
          “They screwed my life up.”“他們譽了我的生活”
          “I’ll never find anyone like her again.”“我不再會愛好上別人了。”
          “Things never work out!”“事情永恒皆沒有结果”
  Do any of these types of statements sound familiar? If so, read this post if you want to help yourself separate fact from fiction and stop telling yourselves stories that just aren’t true!


As a psychotherapist, it has often struck me how my clients who are completely honest to everyone else and would never even tell a white lie end lying to themselves all the time. Whether they think they are too fat,韓中翻譯, not smart or attractive enough, or think they are plain “losers,”they often have no qualms calling themselves names that they would never think of calling anyone else. These are the poor souls who would never even think of hurting anyone’s feelings although they freely hurt their own.

The good news is: These habits can be broken, no matter how entrenched they are!

Here are five tips to stop the lying once and for all…

1. What Am I Thinking? 我在想甚麼?

Imagine a stop sign and ask yourself –“What am I Thinking?”Since irrational and distorted thoughts lead to anxiety and negative feelings, and you are telling yourself lies by exaggerating with “black and white”thinking. Furthermore you can ask yourself a second W.A.I.T. to dig deeper -“What Are Irrational Thoughts,華碩翻譯社? Replace the fictitious thinking with fact.


“I can’t stand it!”could be replaced by”I have a hard time putting up with it, but I really can stand it since I am not melting into the ground!”  


“I should be further along in my life ,”can be replaced with “I am disappointed that I am not further along in my life, and I will use the lessons learned as stepping stones to move forward now.”


2. Ask Yourself: Who are my Board of Directors?

Who is putting those thoughts into your head? Are you renting space to people in your past or present who taught you these lies? For example, did you have a relationship that went sour and you were blamed for it? Did you grow up with parents who imposed a lot of “shoulds”on you ? Were you sensitive to peer rejection, criticism, or even disinterest, and do the words you heard still sting?

This is time to stop renting space in your head to anyone who is telling you lies that make no sense! Stop keeping the lies on life support.The truth is, even though they might be figures form the past, they never really left.No matter if you are 28 or 82, these messages can be persistent! It’s time for eviction!


3、Write Down Your Whoppers 寫下您的年夜話

Take a piece of paper and write out the fictitious whoppers you tell yourself. Differentiate between fiction and fact. Choose now what to believe. Then, on another paper, write out the more rational messages that are more factual. Remember, stick to the facts, not interpretations!


4. Throw the Lies Away 拾掉假話

Once you identified the fictitious messages and write down the more factual alternatdives out on another piece of paper, crumble the paper of the lies and throw them in the trash . Or how about taking a match and burning them? They have no use in a world of truth and reality  –and isn’t that the world you want to live in?


5. Forgive Yourself for Past Mistakes  諒解自己的錯誤

When you live with one foot in the past, you will likely tell yourself all sorts of things that are not really true, and might call yourself names like “stupid”or “loser”. No one gets out of the land of “woulda coulda shouldas”. Try to use the past as a hitching post rather than a guidepost, reminding yourself that nothing ever changes in the past. Forgive yourself for not having the foresight to know what you know now in hindsight!

如果你借不能從过去的生活完全走出來,你便會報告本身林林總總不實正在的主张,能夠會觉得本身是個“笨瓜”大略“失落敗者”。沒人能走出“早知今日,何須噹 初”的瘔楚中。試著把畴昔当作一根木樁,而不是一個路標,提醒本人從前的事务已無奈轉變。諒解你過來的你不远睹,讓噹初的你難熬了!

If you choose to stop telling yourselves lies and stick the facts,you will truly think straight !

