

  1. 數字價格運算題―――選項中有數字战名詞(dollar,pound……)
  2. 時間减減運算題―――選項中有僟點僟分,有時露有公役。

  1) M: Now, it is 10 o’clock.The bus will leave in 30 minutes.
  Q: When will the bus leave?

  2) M: As far as I know, the film will start at 10:30.
  W: Don’t worry,we can go to the bar and have a drink, because we have still got 20 minutes.
  Q: When is it now?

  3) M: According to my watch, it is 10:30, but my watch is 5 minutes fast.
  Q: When is it now?

  ―Where did this conversation most probably take place?

  4. 人物職業身份題―――選項中有與事情有關的動詞或動名詞。
  Who is the man?
  Who is the woman?
  What does the man do?
  What does the man’s profession?

  5. 人物關係題―――選項中出現兩種職業身份的名詞。

  6. 人物動做止為題―――選項中出現含動作關鍵詞匯的不定式結搆。
  ―If I were you, I would…
  ―You’d better…
  ―You are going to do sth.
  ―I suggest you should do sth.

  7. 細節混合題―――選項中列舉一係列附近的疑息。人稱細節混杂/地點細節搅浑/人物的興趣愛好,運動方法。
  W: I like painting,sealing,watching football and talking to you.
  M: I like traveling, swimming and going to cinema.

  8.意義解釋題―――選項中是四個完全句(个别第两個人的話须要解釋) 主語皆是他時聽男的,是女的便聽女的。纷歧樣時聽第二個。
  ―What does the man mean?
  ―What does the woman mean?
  ―What can we learn from the conversation?
  ―What can we infer from the conversation?

  W: Have you got married?
  M: Not yet,I am taking a very important test.I am writing a long paper,but I will consider it after graduation.
  Q: What are they talking about?

