Hanging out: A cat idles across the bars on a laundry rack, in an at first perceived awkward position, until noticing its tranquil face and jello hind legs
The acrobat: While already a natural-born talent on the balance beam, a black and white cat shows off its flexibility while folding itself on a box
Spooners: A gray cat is caught getting frisky with its friend, or sneaking up behind to snatch him by his throa
Window watcher: After potentially playing look out for mice scurrying below, an orange and white cat is caught impressively draped across a window's bars.
Hot tin roof: Perhaps taking a cue from Tennessee Williams' famous 1955 play, two cats are seen taking in some sunshine
屋頂上曬太陽的喵星人,這姿势曾經活脫成人了…… ,雅虎翻譯社;
Claim: Demonstrating its obvious need for space, an orange cat claims its territory using all four paws