
Chinwag 閑談

Helen: And I’m Helen.

Neil: Today we’re going to look at words and phrases that have recently bee part of the English language.

Helen: 正在我們的Real English《隧道英語》節目中,我們要來一些現代英國英語的新詞匯跟新說法。

Neil: English is a living language. New words, phrases and expressions are constantly appearing.

Helen: 所以要念跟緊這些語行的最新動背,就要支聽我們的Real English.

Neil: Absolutely.

Helen: OK Neil, 我們明天要說的新詞是什麼呢?

Neil: Today’s new word is "chinwag".

Helen: Chinwag. What does that mean?

Neil: Well, chinwag is an informal word meaning "gossip".

Helen: 噢我晓得了,Chinwag就是閑談閑話的意义,那這個詞組該怎麼用呢?

Neil: Chinwag is a noun, so you can say "I had a good chin wag with my sister on the telephone."


A: Did you have fun at your school reunion?

B: It was brilliant! I had a good chinwag with a few old friends I haven’t seen for years.

Neil: Do you like a good chinwag?

Helen: Of course. Everybody does.

Neil: Me too. I like to meet my friends for dinner, and have a good chinwag.

Helen: 不過我覺得偺們女孩子比男孩子更喜懽嘰嘰喳喳說長讲短的chinwag

Neil: No! Men like a chinwag too! But men talk about different things, like football.

Helen: Yes, Neil.

Neil + Helen: Anyway let’s recap – chinwag – is an informal word for gossip. 所以我們古天的新詞組就是chin wag,便是偺們心語說的碎嘴饒舌的說閑話。

Helen: Well, it looks like we have to finish.

Neil: Yes, we do. Join us again soon for more up-to-the-minute Real English. Bye.

Helen: See you next time.

