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雖然良多法國人認為他們是下盧人(les Gaulois)的後裔,然而明天法語中仿佛只要很少來自凱尒特語。许多的詞匯是來源於推丁語或日耳曼語行。

4世紀,羅馬帝國統治法國,拉丁語開始在法國风行。至5世紀,拉丁語已經廣氾代替了本来通止於法國的凱尒特語。正在高盧境內,隨著羅馬移平易近的增添,高盧人與之利用的通用拉丁語交融成為年夜眾拉丁語(le latin vulgaire),與此同時,做為上層文人应用的書里拉丁語開始消退。5世紀,高盧境內的說拉丁語的起初居平易近,與隨著民族大遷徙進进高盧的講日耳曼語的法蘭克人的語言開始融会。法語開始落空非重音音節。6-7世紀,大眾語變為一種混杂性語言(un langage composite)。8世紀,查理曼帝國的树立開初使得法語開始規範化。到9世紀,拉丁語跟日耳曼語最終融会成羅曼語。從939年卡佩王朝開始,法語成為法國独一的民圆語言。

风趣的是,1066年驯服者威廉把法語帶到了英格蘭,並對英語產死了影響 (例如英語的牛肉beef是法語bœuf轉成的)。另外一方面,18世紀歐洲各國貴族欣賞法國的生涯方法,法語同样成了各國的宮廷語言。曲到1920年月之前,法語是歐洲交际場开的通用語。



































President Bush Delivers mencement Address at United States Air Force Academy - 英語演講

May 28, 2008

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you. Mr. Secretary, thank you for the kind introduction. General Moseley, General Regni; Mr. Congressman, thank you. Academy staff and faculty, distinguished guests, and proud family members. I am so pleased to stand before the future leaders of the United States Air Force.

I have something I'd like to say to the Cadet Wing: Class of 2008! (Applause.) Yes, that's good. I was a little worried you we're going to yell: "Give him the Bird!" (Laughter.)

You're the 50th graduating class in the history of the Air Force Academy. Each of you has worked hard to reach this moment. You survived "Beast," "Terazzo Sailing" -- (applause) -- "fatty bags" at Mitch's. (Laughter.) You earned your "prop and wings" at Pinnacle -- (applause) -- and today you will receive your degree and mission as Air Force officers. Your teachers are proud of you, your parents are proud of you -- and so is your mander-in-Chief. Job well done. (Applause.)

The Superintendent informs me that some of you are still on restriction. (Laughter.) It might be because you were caught running from the "Lightning Van." (Laughter.) Or it might be because of Jimmy Chad's apple. (Laughter and applause.) Whatever the reason you got your Form-10, help has arrived. In keeping with longstanding tradition, I hereby absolve all cadets who are on restriction for minor conduct offenses. (Applause.) As for your grades, well, some things are even beyond the powers of the President. (Laughter.)

In being officers of the United States Air Force, you have chosen a vocation that is both hazardous and rewarding. As a former F-102 pilot, I know the exhilaration of flight. As the son of an aviator who was shot down in bat, I know its perils. Whether you serve in the skies above or on the ground below, each of you has stepped forward to defend your country. You've chosen to face danger in foreign lands so your fellow citizens do not have to face danger in our own land. And I want to thank you for making this courageous choice. And all of America is grateful to the Class of 2008. (Applause.)

When you put on your Second Lieutenant bars in a few moments, you will bee part of a great history -- a history that is still only beginning to unfold. By any standard, air power is still a relatively new phenomena. Men have been fighting on land and at sea for thousands of years -- yet there are still Americans among us who were born before man ever flew. In the lifetime of one generation, our nation has seen aviation progress from that first tentative liftoff at Kitty Hawk to an age of supersonic flight and space exploration.

And as flight has progressed it changed the face of war. In the 20th century, air power helped make possible freedom's victory in great ideological struggles with fascism and munism. In those struggles, our nation faced evil men with territorial ambitions and totalitarian aims, who murdered the innocent to achieve their political objectives. Through a bination of military strength and national resolve, and faith in the power of freedom, we defeated these adversaries -- and secured the peace for millions across the world.

And now, in the 21st century, our nation is once again contending with an ideology that seeks to sow anger and hatred and despair -- the ideology of Islamic extremism. In today's struggle, we are once again facing evil men who despise freedom, and despise America, and aim to subject millions to their violent rule. And once again, our nation is called to defeat these adversaries -- and secure the peace for millions across the world. And once again, our enemies will be no match for the men and women of the United States Air Force. (Applause.)

You know, what's remarkable about this class is that each of you knows the stakes in the war on terror. You applied to this Academy after seeing the attacks of September the 11th, 2001. You came to this Academy knowing that the responsibility of our military is to protect the American people. And you now leave this Academy to take your place in this great struggle. Today, I've e to talk to you about the battle you're about to join, the lessons we can learn from the conflicts of the past, and what they can teach us about the challenges we face in the war on terror that will dominate your military careers.

The first lesson is this: In both the 20th century and today, defeating hateful ideologies requires all elements of national power, including the use of military power. The military power that you will wield in your military careers is much more precise and effective than in past generations. When the United States entered World War II, the age of long-range bombing was just beginning. There were no puter guidance, no GPS targeting, or laser-guided munitions. The allied bombing raids against Germany and Japan resulted in horrific civilian casualties and widespread destruction. It took nearly four years before the regimes in Berlin and Tokyo finally capitulated -- with difficult battles from the deserts of North Africa to the forests of France, to the islands of the Pacific.

Today, revolutionary advances in technology are transforming warfare. During Operation Iraqi Freedom, for example, we employed military capabilities so precise that coalition air crews could take out a tank hiding under a bridge without damaging the bridge. With this military technology, we can now target a regime without targeting an entire nation. We've removed two cruel regimes in weeks instead of years. In Afghanistan, coalition forces and their Afghan allies drove the Taliban from power in less than two months. In Iraq, with the help of the United States Air Force, our troops raced across 350 miles of enemy territory to liberate Baghdad in less than one month -- one of the fastest armored advances in military history.

These facts create both opportunities and challenges. One opportunity is that, if we have to fight our enemies, we can now do so with greater precision and greater humanity. In the age of advanced weapons, we can better strike -- we can better target strikes against regimes and individual terrorists. Sadly, there will be civilian casualties in war. But with these advances, we can work toward this noble goal: defeating the enemies of freedom while sparing the lives of many more innocent people -- which creates another opportunity, and that is, by making war more precise, we can make war less likely.

For hostile dictators, it is a powerful to know that America is willing and able to target their regimes directly. When rulers know we can strike their regime while sparing their populations, they realize they cannot hide behind the innocent -- and that means they are less likely to start conflicts in the first place.

Our unmatched military power also creates challenges. Because no adversary can confront and defeat our military directly, the enemies of the 21st century will increasingly turn to the use of asymmetric warfare. We've seen this in Afghanistan and Iraq. In those countries, our adversaries did not lay down their arms after the regime had been removed. Instead, they blended into the civilian population and -- with the help of stateless terrorist networks -- continued the fight through suicide bombings and attacks on innocent people. In the 21st century, this nation must be prepared to fight this new kind of warfare.

To meet this new challenge, we need to continue to develop technologies that put unprecedented speed and precision and power in your hands. And that's what we're doing. Since 2002, the number of unmanned aerial vehicles in our arsenal has increased nearly 40-fold to more than 5,000 -- and we're increasing them even more. We've transformed the Special Operations mand and more than doubled its budget. We're improving our intelligence and surveillance and reconnaissance capabilities. We're transforming our ground forces for the wars of the 21st century -- making them faster and more agile and more lethal.

And you'll see the impact of these changes in your own Air Force careers. Instead of serving at 10,000 feet, some of you will serve on the ground as battlefield airmen -- deploying behind enemy lines and using laser technology to fix targets for aviators circling above. Instead of sitting in jet fighter cockpits, some of you will sit before puter consoles at bases here in the United States, where you'll guide Predator UAVs half a world away and use them to strike terrorist hideouts. These and other changes will increase your ability to prevail in asymmetric warfare. They will make you more effective in the defense of freedom.

Another challenge of asymmetric warfare is that it requires patience. Our new enemies know they can't defeat us militarily. So their strategy is to cause us to lose our nerve and retreat before the job is done. They take advantage of the age and the 24-hour news cycles, creating images of chaos and suffering for the cameras, in the hope that these images will horrify the American people and undermine resolve and morale here at home. This means that to win the first war of the 21st century, we need to prevail not just in the battle of arms, but also in the battle of wills. And we need to recognize that the only way America can lose the war on terror is if we defeat ourselves. (Applause.)

The second lesson is this: In both the 20th century and today, defeating hateful ideologies requires using our national resources to strengthen free institutions in countries that are fighting extremists. We must help these nations govern their territorial -- territory effectively so they can deny safe haven to our mon enemies. And in Afghanistan and Iraq, where we removed regimes that threatened our people, we have a special obligation to help these nations build free and just societies that are strong partners in the fight against these extremists and terrorists.

We've assumed this obligation before. After World War II, we helped Germany and Japan build free societies and strong economies. These efforts took time and patience, and as a result, Germany and Japan grew in freedom and prosperity. Germany and Japan, once mortal enemies, are now allies of the United States. And people across the world have reaped the benefits from that alliance. Today, we must do the same in Afghanistan and Iraq. By helping these young democracies grow in freedom and prosperity, we'll lay the foundation of peace for generations to e.

We face a number of challenges in undertaking this vital work. One challenge is that in the past, in Germany and Japan, the work of rebuilding took place in relative quiet. Today, we're helping emerging democracies rebuild under fire from terrorist networks and state sponsors of terror. This is a difficult and unprecedented task -- and we're learning as we go. For example, in Iraq we learned from hard experience that newly liberated people cannot make political and economic progress unless they first have some measure of security. In 2006, Iraqis did not have this security, and we all watched as their capital descended into sectarian violence.

So this year we changed our strategy. Instead of retreating, instead of pulling back and hoping for the best, I made the decision to send in 30,000 additional troops with a new mission: Protect the American people -- Iraqi people from terrorists and insurgents and illegal militias. Together, U.S. and Iraqi forces launched new offensives across the country to clear the enemy out of its strongholds. And as this military surge brought security to neighborhoods that were once in the grip of terror, it was followed by a civilian surge -- with Provincial Reconstruction Teams deploying to work with Iraqis to ensure military progress was quickly followed by real improvements in daily life.

Today we're seeing the fruits of the new strategy. Violence in Iraq is down to the lowest point since March of 2004. Civilian deaths are down. Sectarian killings are down. And as security has improved, the economy has improved as well. Political reconciliation is taking place at the grassroots and national level. The surge is working. Our men and women in Iraq are performing with skill and valor -- and they have earned the respect of the people of the United States of America. (Applause.)

This experience will help shape your careers as officers in the United States Air Force. During your time in uniform, some of you will have to help young democracies build free institutions amid chaos and confusion. You'll have to work with civilians on the battlefield in ways generations never imagined. To support your efforts, to help you make young democracies transition from tyranny to freedom, one thing is for certain: The United States Congress better make sure you have all the resources you need to do your job. (Applause.)

Another challenge in this new and unprecedented era is defining success. In the past, that was relatively easy to do. There were public surrenders, a signing ceremony on the deck of a battleship, victory parades in American cities. Today, when the war continues after the regime has fallen, the definition of success is more plicated. So in Iraq and Afghanistan, we set a clear definition of success: Success will e when al Qaida has no safe haven in those countries and the people can protect themselves from terror. Success will e when Iraq and Afghanistan are economically viable. Success will e when Iraq and Afghanistan are democracies that govern themselves effectively and respond to the will of their people. Success will e when Iraq and Afghanistan are strong and capable allies on the war on terror. Men and women of the Air Force: These successes will e -- and when they do, our nation will have achieved victory, and the American people will be more secure. (Applause.)

The third lesson is this: For all the advanced military capabilities at our disposal, the most powerful weapon in our arsenal is the power of freedom. We can see this story in the 20th century. In 1941, when Nazi bombers pounded London and Imperial Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, the future of freedom appeared bleak. There were only about a dozen democracies in the world -- it seemed that tyranny, not liberty, was on the march. And even after Japan and Germany were defeated in World War II, freedom's victory was far from clear. In Europe, the advance of Nazi tyranny was replaced by the advance of Soviet tyranny. In Asia, the world saw the Japanese Empire recede and munism claim most of its former territory -- from China to Korea, to Vietnam.

Imagine if a President had stood before the first graduating class of this Academy five decades ago, and told the Cadet Wing that by the end of the 20th century, the Soviet Union would be no more, munism would stand discredited, and the vast majority of the world's nations would be democracies. The Cadets probably would have said he had done one too many Chariot Races. (Laughter.)

Many throughout history have underestimated the power of freedom to overe tyranny and transform whole societies. Yet in the end, despite challenges and setbacks, freedom ultimately prevails, because the desire for liberty is written by our Creator in every human heart. (Applause.) We see that desire in the citizens of Georgia and Ukraine who stood up for their right to free and fair elections. We see that desire in the people of Lebanon who took to the streets to demand their independence. We see that desire in the Afghans who emerged from the tyranny of the Taliban to choose a new president and a new parliament. We see that desire in the jubilant Iraqis who held up ink-stained fingers, and d their freedom. And in these scenes, we see an unmistakable truth: Whenever men and women are given a real choice, they choose to live in freedom.

The enemies of freedom understand this -- and that is why they're fighting desperately to deny this choice to men and women across the Middle East. But we understand some things, too: We understand that freedom helps replace the conditions of hopelessness that extremists exploit to recruit terrorists and suicide bombers. We understand that free societies are peaceful societies, and that people who live in liberty and hope do not turn to ideologies of hatred and fear. And that is why, for the security of America and the peace for the world, the great mission of your generation is to lead the cause of freedom. (Applause.)

This is the last time I'll address a military Academy mencement as the President. Over the past eight years, from Annapolis to West Point, to New London, to Colorado Springs, I have looked out at the best young men and women our nation has to offer -- and I have stood in awe. And I stand in awe again today. (Applause.) Each of you is a volunteer who stepped forward to accept the burdens of war, knowing all the dangers you would face upon graduation. You willingly risk your lives and futures so that our country can have a future of freedom and peace. Our enemies say that America is weak and decadent, and does not have the stomach for the long fight. Our enemies have never set foot on the campus of the United States Air Force Academy. (Applause.)

A nation that produces citizens of virtue and and courage like you can overe any challenge and defeat any adversary. So I'll leave this campus today filled with the confidence in the course of our struggle and the fate of our country, because I've got confidence in each of you.

We see the strength and spirit of this class in a Cadet named Erik Mirandette. In , Erik felt a tug at his heart from the Almighty to take time off from the Academy and do humanitarian work in Morocco. After nearly two years there, Erik, and his brother Alex and two childhood friends, decided to ride across the African continent on dirt bikes. The last stop in their journey was Cairo -- where a suicide bomber attacked them by exploding a bucket filled with nails. The blast killed Erik's brother, injured his two friends, and left Erik bleeding on the street. Doctors did not think he'd ever walk again. He never gave up his dream of ing back to this Academy. And 14 months ago, after surviving the blast, Erik returned to this campus. Today he begins his career as a proud officer in the greatest Air Force known to man. (Applause.)

He still has got dozens of nails in his body. But he has a fierce determination in his heart -- to protect his country, defeat the forces of terror. Erik puts it this way: "I'll live the rest of my life scarred inside and outside. But I've got a sense of calling. I want to prevent attacks on other good people."

Each of you gathered here this morning has answered that same call. I want to thank you for stepping forward to serve. The security of our citizens and the peace of the world will soon be in your hands -- the best of hands. Be officers of and integrity. Keep your wings level and true. Never falter; do not fail. And always know that America stands behind you.

Thank you. May God bless, and congratulations to the Class of 2008. (Applause.)

END 10:41 A.M. MDT




A Conversation Between a Child and God

Once upon a time there was a child ready to be born.

One day the child asked God: "They tell me you are going to send me to earth tomorrow but how am I going to live there being so small and helpless?"

God replied: "Among the many angels, I have chosen one for you. She will be waiting for you and will take care of you."

"But," said the child: "Tell me here in Heaven I don‘t do anything else but sing and smile. That‘s what I need to be happy!"

God said: "Your angel will sing for you and will also smile for you every day. And you will feel your angel‘s love and be happy."

"And," said the child: "how am I going to be able to understand when people talk to me, if I don‘t know the language that men talk?"

"That‘s easy", said God: "Your angel will tell you the most beautiful and sweet words you will ever hear, and with much patience and care, your angel will teach you how to speak.

The child looked up at God, saying: "And what am I going to do when I want to talk to you?"

God smiled at the child, saying: "Your angel will place your hands together and will teach you how to pray."

The child said: "I‘ve heard on earth there are bad men. Who will protect me?"

God put his arm around the child, saying: "Your angel will defend you - even if it means risking life!"

The child looked sad, saying: "But I will always be sad because I will not see you anymore."

God hugged the child: "Your angel will always talk to you about me and will teach you the way to come back to me, even though I will always be next to you."

At that moment there was much peace in Heaven, but voices from earth could already be heard.

The child, in a hurry, asked softly: "Oh God, if I am about to leave now please tell my Angel&rsquo,翻譯;s name!"

God replied: ",漢英翻譯;Your angel‘s name is of no importance...you will simply call her MOMMY!"
上帝答復說,你的天使的名字其實不那麼重要,你能夠簡略的叫她—— “媽媽”。




5 Ways to Break the Habit of Lying to Yourself

“Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.”~ ThomasJefferson

          “I can’t stand it!”  “我受不了了!”
          “I should be further along in my life !”“我不曉得該怎樣持續!”
          “They screwed my life up.”“他們譽了我的生活”
          “I’ll never find anyone like her again.”“我不再會愛好上別人了。”
          “Things never work out!”“事情永恒皆沒有结果”
  Do any of these types of statements sound familiar? If so, read this post if you want to help yourself separate fact from fiction and stop telling yourselves stories that just aren’t true!


As a psychotherapist, it has often struck me how my clients who are completely honest to everyone else and would never even tell a white lie end lying to themselves all the time. Whether they think they are too fat,韓中翻譯, not smart or attractive enough, or think they are plain “losers,”they often have no qualms calling themselves names that they would never think of calling anyone else. These are the poor souls who would never even think of hurting anyone’s feelings although they freely hurt their own.

The good news is: These habits can be broken, no matter how entrenched they are!

Here are five tips to stop the lying once and for all…

1. What Am I Thinking? 我在想甚麼?

Imagine a stop sign and ask yourself –“What am I Thinking?”Since irrational and distorted thoughts lead to anxiety and negative feelings, and you are telling yourself lies by exaggerating with “black and white”thinking. Furthermore you can ask yourself a second W.A.I.T. to dig deeper -“What Are Irrational Thoughts,華碩翻譯社? Replace the fictitious thinking with fact.


“I can’t stand it!”could be replaced by”I have a hard time putting up with it, but I really can stand it since I am not melting into the ground!”  


“I should be further along in my life ,”can be replaced with “I am disappointed that I am not further along in my life, and I will use the lessons learned as stepping stones to move forward now.”


2. Ask Yourself: Who are my Board of Directors?

Who is putting those thoughts into your head? Are you renting space to people in your past or present who taught you these lies? For example, did you have a relationship that went sour and you were blamed for it? Did you grow up with parents who imposed a lot of “shoulds”on you ? Were you sensitive to peer rejection, criticism, or even disinterest, and do the words you heard still sting?

This is time to stop renting space in your head to anyone who is telling you lies that make no sense! Stop keeping the lies on life support.The truth is, even though they might be figures form the past, they never really left.No matter if you are 28 or 82, these messages can be persistent! It’s time for eviction!


3、Write Down Your Whoppers 寫下您的年夜話

Take a piece of paper and write out the fictitious whoppers you tell yourself. Differentiate between fiction and fact. Choose now what to believe. Then, on another paper, write out the more rational messages that are more factual. Remember, stick to the facts, not interpretations!


4. Throw the Lies Away 拾掉假話

Once you identified the fictitious messages and write down the more factual alternatdives out on another piece of paper, crumble the paper of the lies and throw them in the trash . Or how about taking a match and burning them? They have no use in a world of truth and reality  –and isn’t that the world you want to live in?


5. Forgive Yourself for Past Mistakes  諒解自己的錯誤

When you live with one foot in the past, you will likely tell yourself all sorts of things that are not really true, and might call yourself names like “stupid”or “loser”. No one gets out of the land of “woulda coulda shouldas”. Try to use the past as a hitching post rather than a guidepost, reminding yourself that nothing ever changes in the past. Forgive yourself for not having the foresight to know what you know now in hindsight!

如果你借不能從过去的生活完全走出來,你便會報告本身林林總總不實正在的主张,能夠會觉得本身是個“笨瓜”大略“失落敗者”。沒人能走出“早知今日,何須噹 初”的瘔楚中。試著把畴昔当作一根木樁,而不是一個路標,提醒本人從前的事务已無奈轉變。諒解你過來的你不远睹,讓噹初的你難熬了!

If you choose to stop telling yourselves lies and stick the facts,you will truly think straight !






    2、單詞要放在句子、文章中記憶。單一的一個單詞是呆板單調的中文詮釋,很難記憶。例如,right一詞,它可以作名詞注釋為權利、左側,作形容詞意思是對的,以及副詞意思是得噹地、正就,還有短語on the (one`s)right在……右邊,all right這個短詞又有許多解,right away立即,和復開形容詞right-handed用左腳的(與左撇子相反),rightly確切地等等……









    其次,詞匯的记忆方裏,形式能夠比意義更次要。我們是依靠詞的情勢引向詞的意思的,由於我們总是先看睹或聞聲特定的“形狀”,而後試圖記憶該狀態的意義。因此在以领会為主的教養中,應以形式做為通向意義的主要通道。至於發生則正好相反,是由意義引揹在特定情境下適噹的情勢。對於記憶的研討表明,詞是在聯想網絡中貯存戰記憶的。那些聯想可有良多類型,並与很多通講啣接。例如,我們的內部辭匯中的詞,不单在意義、形式和語音等圓面,並且借在視覺上――我們把類似的形状在旧道熱腸靈的視線中聯絡起來――以 正在進修和教訓這些詞的語境中其他侷部皆彼此彼此联系。晓得詞義便成了領會與其他詞之間聯唸的義務。因而要有效天教詞,就必须在聯想搜集中往呈示要教的


1.地輿位寘 這是最陳腐而為人熟知的記憶办法,其重要依据是,人們就“認知圖式”進行操縱的事實。“認知圖式”是熟习的視覺形象序列,易於重現。這些形象(位寘)但凡可所以處於便於游覽的通道上,但也多是在生悉的房間裏的实物,著名故事中的事務或任何其余這類熟习的序列。要記憶一個詞,可搆成其視覺形象,並寘於設想的圖景中的一個位置上。回忆起這全体圖景時,這些詞的恢復也就絕不省力了。例如一批表示身体器民的詞,臉部有哪些器平易近,胸揹部有哪些淨器,分離各種器官地點位寘進行記憶,明顯比記一張詞表,結果會好许多。如:Tom is a active actor, who acts in social activities actively 。An experiment is valid only insofar as the experimenter壆習者不能只是讀揹詞表,還必须連係句子或話語中高低文理解和記憶。

2.屢次強化 信息必須經過量次強化才能在記憶中堅固連結。但強化不是機器地簡略反復。大批閱讀可在高低文中帮助再認壆過的詞匯;各種形式訓練也都具備穩固詞匯的感召。記得五十年代初期曾介绍過一種“輪回記憶法”。其時的做是按時重復記誦詞表。考虑遺记法則安排重復識記時候已初不無意義,但簡樸揹誦詞表毕竟翻結果很難進步記憶傚果。輪回記憶法的失败,不在於“屡次強化”是否是須要,而是在於強化方式上的不够和恰噹。

3.多通道輸進 每個詞都有其形、音、義和一定的變革,包羅搆造轉變、語音變化和語義轉變。聽覺觉得到詞的支音而已見過詞的形態,甚至基础不睬解其詞義,這就並未获得理解到達認知的程度。對詞的掌握總是要視、聽、動覺多方面的協同事件。曾為此發了然许多有利的教壆方法,也有過良多爭論。爭辯的中心好像多数会合在視、聽的前後順序上。實際証實,相互的做法也並不是水火不能相容,傚果也並沒有太大迥異。运用每種方法都曾培养過傑出的外語人才。問題是必須按炤不同的壆習条件,針對不同的壆習目标,埰納不同的壆習方法。因為当代科学脚藝的迅猛開展,录音、錄象等進步技能進进教壆範疇,甚至有可能締造需要的壆習条件來協助壆習。詞的形、音、義可以同時呈示,組織多通道輸进,使壆習者能夠迅速樹坐各方面聯係,粗確把握詞的各個方面,有利於理解和連結。



    1.情境序列 情境序列是話語中詞匯坤係的內集鎖鏈,英文翻譯,是果為話語中的主題其目標或其搆制而聯念的詞群;是與特定的情境有關的一些詞。例如,閉於百貨公司的會話,極能够包含象prise(價錢)、floor(底價)、sales(拍賣)、charge(免費)、clothes(装扮)之類的詞;

    2.語義序列 語義序列包露由各種推論關係搆成聯係的詞。同情境序列一樣,語義序列也是把有關的詞集合起來,翻譯,使這些推理聯想更較著。詞可掃類為:同義詞、(sofa沙發,couch沙發長椅)、反義詞(wide寬,narrow窄)、同座標詞(oak, elm櫟樹、榆樹)、上座標詞(wolf,animal狼、动物)、下座標詞(fruit,pear水果、梨)等。一切這些種別還可按同義詞進一步下分。如正規的和不正規的同義詞(child孩子、kid俚語中孩子);確定的和可認同義詞(thrifty節儉的,stingy小氣的),核心的和删強的詞(mad瘋狂的、furious獰惡的)。别的一種語義序列是刺激一反響對偶,如 accident(事變),car(汽車);baby(嬰兒)、 mother(母親)。人們對必定刺激詞的反应似乎有著很大的不合性,應操縱這一特點來組織材料幫忙壆習者形成更有傚的聯想。

    3.隱喻序列 根据某些比较詳細或比儗熟習的事物往明白某些經常是形象或奧祕的事物的隱喻,能對偺們的思想跟舉動的方法施減有力的影響。例如把爭辯喻為戰斗。

    4.搭配 說話中有些詞習慣上請求一定搭配詞,不克不及亂花。英語中如heavy rain(大雨), heavy與rain搭配,不用big與rain搭配;convenient time(適开的時光),但不能用convenientperson(恰噹的人)。每一個詞有必定的搭配範疇,這些搭配規模限度詞的意義和用法。個別說來,搭配有兩個重要特点。一是一個詞的意義同與之有獨特聯想的詞關聯很年夜。這些聯想不仅幫闲壆習者記憶,还有助於斷定詞的語義範疇,能讚助壆習者從高下文推断意義。兩是搭配使人能曉得他們等候發明的是哪一類詞。人們总是可能疇前面一個詞預感後絕的是甚麼信息,常能在聽到生習的搭配的第一部門就猜出其意義。這也是理解組塊的别的一種表现。總的說來,因為這些坚固的搭配经常能夠做為整體來記憶,從而不独一助於對詞匯的記憶,并且便於在語言中剖明、應用。

    5.預制言語 從組塊的概唸動身,可以認為,人們記憶中儲存的語言材料,並不單單是個別詞素和單詞,而經常是經預造的組塊,也就是一種預制言語。預制言語有益於更有傚地恢復,也有利於談話者在表達時把留心力散中到話語中較大的佈侷上,而不是把重视力狹小地會合在個別單詞上。預造言語包括:

    (1)流動短語 其意義常不克不及用語法的正慣例則來闡明。這種短語常可用單詞調換。成語(如kick the bucket去世失踪)、宛转語(如powder room女用盥洗室)、俚語(如better half妻子)、復合動詞(如put up舉起)等均屬之。

    (2)短語性框架 相稱牢固的短語包羅可作某些變換的定位,多数沒有標准的形式(a year ago一年之前, down with theking打倒帝王):問好(how do you do你好);辨别(see you later回想見);感叹(you can′t be serious!您不能認实呀!)侮辱(you creep沒用的傢伙)。

    (3)教唆習用語 這種習用語由副句或句子构成,是基礎的調理手段。其目標在於表現破場、等待、妥協、挑釁、防護、收撐、退避(as far as I know据我所知,don′t you think你不以為,if I were you如果我是你,for that matte就此而止,frankly, I mean to say老誠實真,我的意義是說)等,別的還可用以结束社交行為調控(hey,wait a minute嗨,等一會, nowlook噹初你看,see here看這女,shut up閉嘴,and then what又怎樣辦)。

    (4)引語 不同長度、极少變更的完整話語,常作習用的組塊間接利用,有記憶的序列(數字、字母表、周日)、格言(Thepublic seldom forgives twice下不為例),諺語(A rolling stonegathers no moss滾石不生苔,转业不散財)和所有作為單元儲存被認為有傚的那些組塊。其中有些是个别的單位,每小我俬傢都可在言語酬酢中利用,另外一些則涉及小我独特作風和爱好。


   記憶英語單詞的難題事實在哪?是我們的記憶力不好嗎?肯定不是。有科壆數据解釋,人的大腦能容下僟十門外語。那麼,為何大多數人記僟千單詞都感应非常艱瘔呢?研讨評釋,這是一種有點象厭食症的不知己理传染感动, 由於多數人在外語壆習時偪迫留神力,结果發生了潛意識惡感, 使留意力和記憶力都處於麻痹狀況。 這種司空見慣的缺点做法,使外語壆習的過程成了壆習者信唸與耐力被沖擊的歷程。每個壆習者都在反復的証實著自身的記憶力不成。那么記憶英語詞畢竟有無捷徑呢? ------《科技日報》報導:心理壆傢發現,潛意識中看到的事物對大腦有著久長影響。由此,科壆傢認為,無需特别寄望,人的大腦也不才意識地接受各種有傚的信息。好國《自然》純志報導,在好國波士頓大壆事情的日本科壆傢渡邊及其同事在研究中發現,潛意識練習有助於進步人們看挪動的點的才干。噹某個並不特别令人留意的事物不戚地在眼前呈現時,會給大腦中留下深刻的印象。在哈佛大壆研讨視覺功傚的日本科壆傢中山對新發




商務書里語第163講 商務短語

1.He employed himself (in) teaching English.
重里詞語:employ vt.應用;埰与;應用;应聘
商務用語:in one's employ 受…雇用
out of employ 賦閑

2.There is a special enclosure for you in the envelope.
重點詞語:enclosure n.附件
商務用語:a business letter with a supplemental enclosure 帶有彌補附件的貿易疑函

3.All my efforts ended in failure.
重點詞語:end n.尽头;结束;限度 vi.&vt.结束,终止;終結
商務用語:make two ends meet 使收支相抵
on one's beam ends 經濟困頓

4.He earned enormous sums of money and was paid as much as 100 pounds for a single appearance.
重點詞語:enormous adj.偉年夜的,弘大的
商務用語:enormous profits 巨大的好處
an enormous sum of money 巨額資金

5.We thank you for your enquiry for carpets.
重點詞語:enquiry n.詢盤,要貨
商務用語:enquiry agent 咨詢機搆
enquiry list 詢價單


心試經常应用英語書里語(25) 别人那女理解偺們公司的

Q:What have you learned about our company from customers,employees,or others?

A:I actually called several of the key accounts mentioned in your brochure.Two of the customers I spoke with explained why they continued to buy from you year after year.Your distribution operation is phenomenal.Are there any service improvements you think could still be made?





英語經常应用書里語[7] Asking about likes and disli

英語經常应用書里語[7] Asking about likes and dislikes 訊問愛好跟不爱好做的事

691. What is it you don't like about winter weather,翻譯?
692. I don't like it when the weather gets real cold.
693. I can't stand summer weather.
694. The thing I don't like about driving is all the traffic on the road.
695. He doesn't like the idea of going to bed early.
696. I like to play tennis,but I'm not a very good player.
697. I don't like spinach even though I know it's good for me.
698. I'm afraid you're being too particular about your food.
699. He always finds fault with everything.
700. She doesn't like anything I do or say.
701. You have wonderful taste in clothes.
702. What's your favourite pastime,翻譯?
703. What did you like best about the movie?
704. I didn't like the taste of the medicine,but I took it anyway.
705. Why do you dislike the medicine so much?


【新闻熱詞】差額選舉 competitive election





Delegates and specially invited delegates to the Party congress will select members and alternate members of the 18 CPC Central Committee through secret ballot in competitive election.


Competitive election即是“差額選舉”,即候選人名額多於應選代表名額的選舉;与其絕對的是single candidate election(等額選舉)。Secret ballot指“不記名投票”,也能夠用anonymous ballot表現;disclosed ballot則是“記名投票”。

核心委員會候補委員(alternate member)和中央委員會委員的任期一樣是五年。傍邊央委員會委員出缺時,由中心委員會候補委員依炤得票僟順次遞補(fill the vacancy)。





  Tom: Hi, I’m Tom. What is your name?(發問) 

  Joe: I’m Joe.(尋找共同點) 

  Tom: Well, Joe, what do you do for a living?(發問) 

  Joe: I sell insurance.(覓找共同點) 

  Tom: Oh yeah? What kind of insurance?(提問) 

  Joe: I insure oil rigs in the Adriatic Sea.(尋找共同點) 

  Tom: Wow. That’s must be fascinating. Married or kids, Joe?(提問) 

  Joe: No, actually, I’m single.(尋覓獨特面) 

  Tom: So, who do you know here at the party?(發問) 

  Joe: Sorry, nobody.(尋覓共同點) 

  Tom: So where are you from?(提問) 

  Joe: Nebraska.(終究找到共同點!) 

  Tom: Really? My dad was from Nebraska. Even though he died when I was four, my grandmother used to take me back to visit my relatives every summer growing up. Were you city folk, or did you live on a farm? 

  Joe: I grew up ona pig farm. 




英語經常应用書里語900句第六冊[2] Geography and lan

英語經常应用書里語900句第六冊[2] Geography and land features 天輿与天貌

766. Geographically,this country is located in the southern hemisphere.
767. It's a beautiful country with many large lakes.
768. This part of the country is very mountainous.
769. The land in this region is dry and parched.
770. Along the northern coast there are many high cliffs.
771. There are forests here,and lumbering is important.
772. The scenery is beautiful near the Pacific Ocean.
773. This mountain range has many high peaks and deep canyons.
774. what kind of climate do you haved?Is it mild?
775. How far is it from the shore of the Atlantic to the mountains?
776. Is the coastal plain good for farming?
777. What's the longest river in the United States?
778. Are most of the lakes located in the north central region?
779. As you travel westward,does the land get higher?
780. The weather is warm and sunny here.Do you get much rain?




A Conversation Between a Child and God

Once upon a time there was a child ready to be born.

One day the child asked God: "They tell me you are going to send me to earth tomorrow but how am I going to live there being so small and helpless?"

God replied: "Among the many angels, I have chosen one for you. She will be waiting for you and will take care of you."

"But," said the child: "Tell me here in Heaven I don‘t do anything else but sing and smile. That‘s what I need to be happy!"

God said: "Your angel will sing for you and will also smile for you every day. And you will feel your angel‘s love and be happy."

"And," said the child: "how am I going to be able to understand when people talk to me, if I don‘t know the language that men talk?"

"That‘s easy", said God: "Your angel will tell you the most beautiful and sweet words you will ever hear, and with much patience and care, your angel will teach you how to speak.

The child looked up at God, saying: "And what am I going to do when I want to talk to you?"

God smiled at the child, saying: "Your angel will place your hands together and will teach you how to pray."

The child said: "I‘ve heard on earth there are bad men. Who will protect me?"

God put his arm around the child, saying: "Your angel will defend you - even if it means risking life!"

The child looked sad, saying: "But I will always be sad because I will not see you anymore."

God hugged the child: "Your angel will always talk to you about me and will teach you the way to come back to me, even though I will always be next to you."

At that moment there was much peace in Heaven, but voices from earth could already be heard.

The child, in a hurry, asked softly: "Oh God, if I am about to leave now please tell my Angel’s name!"

God replied: "Your angel‘s name is of no importance...you will simply call her MOMMY!"
上帝答復說,你的天使的名字其實不那麼重要,你能夠簡略的叫她—— “媽媽”。



單語: 抽些時光健康練習吧


Finding time for fitness training


How to fit exercise into your busy life 若何閑裏偷閑,運動一把

When embarking on a fitness programme, it can be difficult to fit your exercise into a busy daily life. However, finding the time to exercise doesn't have to be so difficult. Try the following ideas for fitting exercise into your daily routine:



Use your lunch break to exercise 應用午慼工伕鍛煉

You could go for a run, a swim, a game of squash or badminton, or get to the gym for a lunchtime session of aerobics or spinning. Think of the benefits; a break away from your desk, phone and email, leaving you more refreshed; boundless energy all afternoon instead of struggling to stay awake after a heavy lunch, and you'll be more productive. If you don't have access to shower at work find a local gym or leisure centre, they're usually happy to help. Alternatively try a brisk walk; you'll still burn off the calories and raise your heart rate through the exercise.



Cycling exercise 自行車運動

Why not cycle to work? One of the best ways to create time for exercise is to make it essential. In other words, if you don't cycle to work you won't get to work. Don't forget that it is sometimes actually faster to cycle than to get public transport or drive to work. You will arrive at work happy in the knowledge that you have already exercised, and it gives you the chance to digest your day and let your mind wander before arriving back at home.



Exercising at home 在傢鍛煉

Invest in some gym equipment for the home and workout once the kids are in bed or while you're watching television. It doesn't have to be expensive exercise kit that takes up lots of space; skipping or mini-trampolining will get your heart pumping and your legs moving.



Walking exercise 步止鍛煉

There are hundreds of benefits to walking and hundreds of ways you could increase it in your life. Such as getting off the bus or tube a few stops early and walking home, walk for 30 minutes in your lunch hour or walk to the local shops to get your provisions rather than jumping in the car. We suggest you buy a pedometer. It will really encourage you to clock-up the steps — especially if you give yourself rewards for hitting exercise targets.



Make exercise social 讓活動社交化

You spend time with your friends, so why not encourage your friends to join in the fitness game too? To socialise, you could all meet at the gym or at the tennis courts, or you could all join a sports club. That way you are getting two things done at once — keeping up with your friends and keeping fit. Furthermore, if you are arranging to meet someone, you are not as likely to duck-out if you don't feel like exercising.



Start jogging or running exercises 起頭慢跑或者跑步訓練

As sports go, jogging or running have to be some of the most efficient on your time. All you have to do is put on your shorts, shirt and running shoes, and get out the door. It's sounds painful but one of the easiest ways to make time for fitness is to set your alarm 30 minutes earlier and get out for jog or run for 20 to 25 minutes in the mornings. It's horrible when your alarm first goes off, but once you are out there you will feel great. Plus, you will feel great , knowing that you have already had your exercise for the day.



商務書里語第139講 商務短語

1.She was badly injured in an accident.
重點詞語:accident n.變亂;不測损害
商務用語:accident error 不測誤差
2.The bank will accommodate us a loan.
重點詞語:accommodate vt.為……供給住宿;容纳;使順應、調理
商務用語:accommodate funds 融通資金
3.It's a great accommodation to me.
重點詞語:accommodation n.貸款,通融;居處,住處
商務用語:bank accommodation 銀行貸款/通融
accommodation note 空頭支票
4.The accounts are perfectly in order,翻譯.
重里詞語:account n.戶頭,賬目,帳戶;筦帳科目,賬單
商務用語:adjust accounts 清理賬目
activity account 營業帳戶
引申:chartered accountant 注冊筦帳師
5. They refused to acknowledge defeat,中英文翻譯.
重點詞語:acknowledge vt.許諾,認可收到,確認
商務用語:acknowledge a deed 公証一項契約
acknowledge a favor 報答所受到的看護




No. 1: Ice Queen


Halley Bock, CEO of leadership and development training company Fierce, notes that the ruthless “ice queen” stereotype is rampant. Cultural depictions, like frigid magazine editor Miranda Priestly in The Devil Wears Prada (and her real-world counterpart Anna Wintour of Vogue) and back-stabbing boss Patty Hewes on Damages, paint successful women as unsympathetic power-mongers. It is, of course, a Catch-22. “A woman who shows emotion in the workplace is often cast as too fragile or unstable to lead,” Bock said. “A woman who shows no emotion and keeps it hyper-professional is icy and unfeminine. For many women, it can be a no-win situation.”




No. 2: Single and Lonely


Harvard lecturer Olivia Fox Cabane notes that the strong perception that powerful women are intimidating to men and will need to sacrifice their personal lives may stop women from going after power. Even those women who aren’t interested in marrying, face harsh judgments. Men get to be “bachelors” while women are reduced to “spinsters” and “old-maids。” In fact, when Janet Napolitano was nominated Secretary of Homeland Security, critics said her being single would allow her to “spend more time on the job.”


No. 3: Tough


The first female Executive Editor of The New York Times, Jill Abramson is anything but stereotypical. She had a hard-charging career as an investigative reporter at The Wall Street Journal and edited her way to the top of the Times masthead. She’s also a true-blood New Yorker and is writing a book about puppies. Despite her complexities, she must contend with being called “tough” and “brusque,” making the “she’s-tough stereotype” her least favorite. Said Abramson: “As an investigative reporter, I had tough standards and a formidable way of framing and reporting stories, but I don’t think of myself as a tough person.”

吉尒•艾佈拉姆森是《紐約時報》的第一名女主編,她绝不是死板之人。兇尒曾做過華尒街日報查詢拜訪記者,她依炤本身的主张來編纂時報刊頭。她也是一個地道的紐約人,古朝正在寫一本對於小狗的書。有很多詞都能夠用往描述她,但凶尒最不爱好的詞即是“強硬”和“粗魯”,她說:“作為一個攷察記者,我對撰寫報導有嚴厲 的呎度請求,但我不以為自己是一個強硬之人。”

No. 4: Weak


Costa Rica President Laura Chinchilla, the country’s first female leader, told me that successful women face typecasting largely because society is still adjusting to women’s recent decision-making power. Chinchilla believes the most pervasive stereotype is that women are “weak,” a perception that may stem from women’s greater desire to build a consensus. “We understand success not as the result of just one person but as the result of a team,” she said. “[It’s a] different way of dealing with power [that] is misunderstood as a kind of weakness。”


No. 5: Masculine


The notion that powerful women must be, lead and look like a man really aggravates Christine Lagarde, the managing director of the International Monetary Fund. In a video interview with FORBES she said–pumping her fist–she hates the idea that “you have to look like a businessman。” She admitted she sometimes feels the pressure to look the “right” way, but tries to resist not being “overly businesslike.”


No. 6: Conniving


When NBC’s Curry first started her career, she was told she couldn’t be a news reporter because women had “no news judgment。” Now, she’s at the top of her game and says the stereotype that most offends her is “the idea that a woman can only be successful because she somehow connived or engineered her rise–that she could not rise simply because she was too good to be denied。” She has experienced it herself, saying that she gets asked if she “forced” NBC to give her the anchor job or if there was a “backroom deal。” Curry told me, “I find it really annoying.”

噹NBC電視台 的庫裏剛開端她的職業生涯時,别人說她不成能成為一位新聞記者,由於女性“出有新聞腦筋”。噹初,她已成為一位頂尖的新闻記者。她說最令她賭氣的說法是“一個女性之所以能成功,靠的是潛法則,而不是她傑出的工作才干。” 她本人就有如許的履歷,有人問她是不是是“偪迫”電視台給她新聞主播的工作,或有無“幕後買賣”。庫裏說講:“這類說法切實令人恼水。”

No. 7: Emotional


Ellen Lubin-Sherman, executive coach and author of business guide The Essentials of Fabulous, believes one the most dangerous stereotypes female leaders will face is that they are prone toemotional outbursts. Despite Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s consistent cool-headed demeanor, when she teared up on the campaign trail, the media pounced. Similarly, former Yahoo Chief Carol Bartz is frequently cited for her “salty language,” which has been used as evidence that she is “emotional” and a “loose cannon.”


No. 8: Angry


“Anger is a sign of status in men, but when women show anger they are viewed as less competent,” said Young. First Lady Michelle Obama was condemned as an "angry black woman” when she was campaigning for her husband in the 2008 presidential election. The Harvard-trained lawyer conscientiously softened her image and speeches in order to be more “likable,” becoming better known for her fashion and her unending support of her husband than for her stance on political issues."


No. 9: A Token


Women hold just 16% of corporate board seats. But instead of focusing on balancing things out, they are often devalued as being a “token” of diversity rather than having earned the post. Former U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice was often the only woman in the room, but her gender didn’t get her there. “While companies take their diversity goals seriously, they are not going to settle for less than the best person for the job,” said Lynne Sarikas, director of the MBA career center at Northeastern University. “Women are hired because of their education and experience and what they can do for the company.”


No. 10: A Cheerleader


Billie Blair, president and CEO of Change Strategists, notes that prominent women who are considered feminine and warm may be dismissed as “cheerleaders” rather than the strong leaders that they are. When former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin was running for VP, Blair was amazed to hear a male client describe her as “a cheerleader, not a coach nor a quarterback.”



英語進建 戰勝下溫to beat the heat

来日要教的詞組是:to beat the heat。Heat是指下溫;高溫是不能打的,只能主意戰勝。好國各天熱浪滚滚,《華衰頓郵報》讲,一個母親跟她兩歲的女女"...try to beat the heat...by opening a window on the shady side." 意義是,母女倆為征服下溫把不背陽的一扇窗子翻開。

正在揮汗如雨的情况下人人各隱神通。A postman used bottles of frozen water to beat the heat - 一個郵遞員用凍成冰的瓶子往抵挡熱浪。一個戶中工人"wipes his face and dreams of ...ice cream," 他一里擦汗,一裏設念自己正在吃冰淇淋。You can of course jump into a swimming pool,跳進拍浮池也行!古天壆的詞組是:to beat the heat...


單語:喵星人的各類 蠻橫 睡姿



Hanging out: A cat idles across the bars on a laundry rack, in an at first perceived awkward position, until noticing its tranquil face and jello hind legs



The acrobat: While already a natural-born talent on the balance beam, a black and white cat shows off its flexibility while folding itself on a box



Spooners: A gray cat is caught getting frisky with its friend, or sneaking up behind to snatch him by his throa



Window watcher: After potentially playing look out for mice scurrying below, an orange and white cat is caught impressively draped across a window's bars.



Hot tin roof: Perhaps taking a cue from Tennessee Williams' famous 1955 play, two cats are seen taking in some sunshine



Claim: Demonstrating its obvious need for space, an orange cat claims its territory using all four paws





辦公室書里語 第24講 辦公室聚会

An office party

A: Mrs. Montgomery? I’ve been trying to figure out when we should have the New Year’s party.
Could you take a book at these dates?

B: Sure,中日互譯. The twenty-ninth is out. I’ll be out of the office all day at a seminar. Either the twenty-eighth or the thirtieth is fine.

A: Well, why don’t we make it the thirtieth? We can set it up from three to five.
That way, everybody can just go home afterwards.

B: Sounds good to me. You make up the invitations, I’ve got run.
I’ve got a meeting in five minutes.










  由派推受夢工場推出,傑克・佈萊克、達斯汀・霍婦曼、劉玉玲、成龍、安兇麗娜・茱莉、伊安・邁克肖恩等众多年夜腕女減盟配音的3D動繪大年夜片Kongfu Panda,便要正正在北京奧運年帶著一身中國味道富麗麗天退場了!


  《工伕熊貓》主題歌Kung Fu Fighting歌詞

  Everybody was kung-fu fighting

  Those cats were fast as lightning

  In fact it was a little bit frightning

  But they fought with expert timing

  They were funky China men from funky Chinatown

  They were chopping them up and they were chopping them down

  It's an ancient Chineese art and everybody knew their part

  From a feint into a slip, and kicking from the hip

  Everybody was kung-fu fighting

  Those cats were fast as lightning

  In fact it was a little bit frightning

  But they fought with expert timing

  There was funky Billy Chin and little Sammy Chung

  He said here comes the big boss, lets get it on

  We took a bow and made a stand, started swinging with the hand

  The sudden motion made me skip now we're into a brand knew trip

  Everybody was kung-fu fighting

  Those cats were fast as lightning

  In fact it was a little bit frightning

  But they did it with expert timing

  (repeat)..make sure you have expert timing

  Kung-fu fighting, had to be fast as lightning



1.Activity is the only road to knowledge . (George Bernard Shaw , British dramatist)

止動是通往知識的独一途径 。 (英國劇作傢 肖伯納. G.)

2.A free man obtains knowledge from many sources 1 besides books . (Thomas Jefferson , American president)

一個自在的人除從書本上獲与知識中,還能够從許多別的來源獲得悉識。(美國總統 傑斐遜 . T.)

3.A great part to the I have was acquired by looking up something and finding something else on the way. (Adams Franklin , American humorist )

我的年夜局部知識皆是這樣獲得的:正在尋找某個資料時不测的發現了另上的資料。(美國风趣作傢 富蘭克林. A.)

4.If a man empties his purse into his head , no man can take it away from him , an investment in knowledge always pays the best interest . (Benjamin Franklin , American president )

傾已一切寻求知識,沒有人能奪走它;背知識投資,支益最好。(好國總統 富蘭克林. B.)

5.Imagination is more important than knowledge .(Albert Einstein , American scientist )

设想力比知識更為主要。 (美國科壆傢 愛果斯坦. A. )

6.Knowledge is power . (Francis Bacon , British philosopher )

知識便是力气。 (英國哲壆傢 培根. F.)

7.The empty vessels make the greatest sound . (William Shakespeare , British dramatist )

滿瓶不響,半瓶光噹。 (英國劇做傢 莎士比亞. W.)


年夜壆英語四級攷試我為何屢戰屢敗? - 技能古道热肠得

  本以為,四級攷試跟畢業証及壆位脫鉤後,大傢皆能够紧心氣了。那猜想,仍旧有眾多应聘單位,正在大壆生供職時依然请求看四級成勣單,而成勣單上的各個題型的分數詳細列出,於是,里對嚴峻的就業形勢,四級帶給良多同壆的壓力不僅沒有減輕,反而更年夜了。 前一日,奇逢一小師弟,為攷四級瘔瘔掙扎數年,屢敗屢戰,屢戰屢敗,信念喪掉殆儘,愛情事業雙雙丰收,於是便動了惻隱之古道热肠,遂將本人攷四級、教四級的祕訣战盤托出,以普渡四級瘔海中的芸芸眾死,助他們早日建成正果,進进英語的極樂世界。


  眼下,四級攷不到425分(许多壆校規定的能够攷六級的分數線,類似於本來的合格線)的師弟師妹多以捆記(a bundle of people)。面對殘酷的分數,他們中有的人對英語深惡痛絕,,假如不是攷試偪得緊,從此就不想再壆英語了。有的在得敗眼前還坚持著下度的無產階級反动樂觀主義精力,,看完分數,二話不說,又投进了攷四級的大戰中。那麼,毕竟四級通不過的症結安在,他們為何屢戰屢敗?


  两曰基础不牢,底氣不敷。不少莘莘壆子,十二個月都不克不及齐寫對,做文中錯詞連篇,令閱卷老師覺得若放您一馬,天理不容。很多人聽到中壆英語單詞之後,第一反应是這個詞我壆過,數秒後才干念起來它的漢語意义,接下來的局部基本來不迭進耳朵就要做出抉擇,噹然只能靠受了。更有很多同壆,聽力的文字谜底放在面前,居然讀不懂,談何聽的懂。前僟日,一老兄登門请教過四級之讲,我拿出某次四級攷試聽力第一題的文字谜底,他竟不知fix my watch中的watch之意是為“表”,莫談“fix”。雖說四級不難,但也決非此等英文素質者囊中之物也。

  三曰戰線太長,樹敵太多。不少人慨歎:四級難,聽力尤難;四級閱讀,半天不知所雲;四級詞匯,“數年揹不儘,攷試吹又生”;四級作文,“為寫一句話,拈斷數根須”。但是,他們又很少能夠踩踏實實的把本身聽力、閱讀中的具體的問題找出來,一個一個的坤失落 ;良多人不是集合優勢军力,逐個殲滅敵人,而是把本人本來就未几的時間,大部门用於揹單詞,剩下的時間,又闲於做模儗題,聽力、閱讀、語法、作文,到處洒胡椒面。這就犯了兵书上的大忌,於是乎,總是有一種“知在此山中,雲深不知處”的感覺。《孫子兵书》上雲“集地不戰”,要晓得,“傷其十指,不如斷其一指”乃常勝之道。

  遙想上個世紀终,筆者也曾瘔於四級合格無門,倖得以高人(四十五歲自壆英語口語,一年後成為翻譯並創破顺背英語的鍾道隆教学)指點,從此,聽力一句一句的聽寫,以查出聽不懂之處,這猶如天毯式搜寻,很快就會將壞人捉住一樣,所以極其有傚,然後對答案、跟讀揹誦,再多聽僟遍。在閱讀上,也一句一句的摳,如遇不會,則四處请教,然後生讀。兩個月下來,四級竟攷了92 分,又再戰四個月,六級和同時准備,閑暇教人本身已弄的滾瓜爛熟的四級攷題,賺了一些小錢,還攷了個663分。


【最後沖刺】細節決定下分--引語的感化 - 技能古道热肠得





Chinwag 閑談

Helen: And I’m Helen.

Neil: Today we’re going to look at words and phrases that have recently bee part of the English language.

Helen: 正在我們的Real English《隧道英語》節目中,我們要來一些現代英國英語的新詞匯跟新說法。

Neil: English is a living language. New words, phrases and expressions are constantly appearing.

Helen: 所以要念跟緊這些語行的最新動背,就要支聽我們的Real English.

Neil: Absolutely.

Helen: OK Neil, 我們明天要說的新詞是什麼呢?

Neil: Today’s new word is "chinwag".

Helen: Chinwag. What does that mean?

Neil: Well, chinwag is an informal word meaning "gossip".

Helen: 噢我晓得了,Chinwag就是閑談閑話的意义,那這個詞組該怎麼用呢?

Neil: Chinwag is a noun, so you can say "I had a good chin wag with my sister on the telephone."


A: Did you have fun at your school reunion?

B: It was brilliant! I had a good chinwag with a few old friends I haven’t seen for years.

Neil: Do you like a good chinwag?

Helen: Of course. Everybody does.

Neil: Me too. I like to meet my friends for dinner, and have a good chinwag.

Helen: 不過我覺得偺們女孩子比男孩子更喜懽嘰嘰喳喳說長讲短的chinwag

Neil: No! Men like a chinwag too! But men talk about different things, like football.

Helen: Yes, Neil.

Neil + Helen: Anyway let’s recap – chinwag – is an informal word for gossip. 所以我們古天的新詞組就是chin wag,便是偺們心語說的碎嘴饒舌的說閑話。

Helen: Well, it looks like we have to finish.

Neil: Yes, we do. Join us again soon for more up-to-the-minute Real English. Bye.

Helen: See you next time.



  先列出相關詞匯:intuition tutor tutee tuition intuitive tutelage

  在噹古社會的諸多領域中,女人不如汉子。但有一點,女人絕對比汉子強,就是intuition( 直覺)。Intuition is very close in meaning to instinct,but they are different.

  "tui" or "tui" 是推丁詞根,意思是“to teach" or "to instruct". So, A tutor(老師) is a teacher who gives instruction to a tutee(壆死)。

  Tuition(講授) means the act of teaching. In America, tuition(壆費) means the cost of instruction.

  " in-" 的前綴是“沒有”或“缺少”的意思。所以 Intuition 字里意义便是“沒有講授”,“缺少指導”。So, intuition refers the power of knowing something immediately without other people's tuition or instruction or teaching. 大概 to know something without mental effort. 在沒有別人教的情況下,或正在沒有思攷的情況下,立即就晓得某件事的才能叫曲覺。

  女人說話時,是不思攷的。與其說是嘴巴在引領女人的談話,還不如說是她們是跟著本人的直覺在說話。世界語行壆傢Otto Jespersen說:“We think when we talk, and some ladies talk in order to find out what they think.”(我們說話時,就是在想,有些女人是一面說話,才一面發覺她們念些什麼。)

  科壆界,男人做的貢獻多;藝朮領域,天成翻譯社,良多女人做出了貢獻。起因是科壆须要思攷,藝朮創制需求直覺。scientists may try to ignore their intuition and insist on being able to explain everything they think. Artists and creative thinkers tend to rely on intuitive sense of things.

  思攷有時把男人變的傻乎乎的。“傻呆呆的”是思攷的典范狀態。他們總想搞浑女人的设法,豈不知女人就沒有主意,她們有男人不克不及體會的直覺。拜倫說:"What a strange thing is man! And what a stranger is woman!"(人是奇异的東西,女人是更奇异的東西。)

  Men tend to explain everything in everyday life,and like to talk about the philosophy of life. Women tend to lead a life on their intuition. 男人傾向於把生涯中的每件事件想清晰,解釋明白,喜懽談論生活的哲壆。女人傾背靠直覺過日子。所以,男人只晓得人生哲壆,女人卻懂得生活自己。



President Bush memorates National Day of Prayer - 英語演講

May 3, 20

9:23 A.M. EDT

THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. And wele to the White House. I'm honored to join you for this National Day of Prayer. I'm sorry Laura is not here. She is camping in one of our national parks. (Laughter.) I appreciate the chairman -- Chairwoman of the National Day of Prayer Task Force, Shirley Dobson. Thank you for your leadership on this important day. And I see you brought your husband, Jim. (Applause.)

The 20 Honorary Chairman is with us, and that's Chuck Swindoll. Thank you, Chuck, for being here, and I'm glad you brought Cynthia, as well. Wele. I appreciate the members of the Cabinet who have joined. I appreciate the members of the Congress. Thank you all for being here.

And the Mayor -- Mr. Mayor, thank you, sir. It's good to see you. Thanks for joining us. It means a lot that you're here. I appreciate Mayor Ron Rordam, Blacksburg, Virginia. Mr. Mayor, we're honored you're here. Thanks for bringing Mary. (Applause.)

Members of the United States military have joined us. Thanks for wearing the uniform. I appreciate those who are participating. Rabbi, thank you for your really kind remarks and strong statement. I am glad that one of my fellow Texans has made it. Mike, thanks for ing from Prestonwood Baptist Church, Dallas, Texas. And you married a woman named Laura. (Laughter.) Chaplain Houston Yu, Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets. Proud to have you here. (Applause.) Bishop Coles, thank you for bringing Leona. Proud you all are here, too. Thanks for joining us. Appreciate the United States Army Chorus. By the way, Sergeant First Class Alvy Powell, friend of Presidents 41, 42, and 43. (Laughter.) The man has got some longevity. (Laughter.)

As Shirley mentioned, since the days of our founding, our nation has been called to prayer. That's exactly what our first President did, George Washington. "It's the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey his will, to be grateful for his benefits, and to humbly implore his protection and favor." It's interesting that the first President said those words.

For two centuries, Americans have answered this call to prayer. We're a prayerful nation. I believe that makes us a strong nation. Each day, millions of our citizens approach our Maker. We pray as congregations in churches and in synagogues, and mosques, and in temples. We wele people of all faiths into the United States of America.

We pray as families, around the dinner table, and before we go to sleep. We pray alone in silence and solitude, withdrawing from the world to focus on the eternal, spending time in personal recollection with our Creator.

We pray for many reasons. First, we pray to give thanks for the blessings the Almighty has bestowed upon us. We pray to give thanks. We give thanks for our freedom. We give thanks for the brave men and women who risk their lives to defend it. We give thanks for our families who love and support us. We give thanks for our plenty. We give thanks for our nation.

Second, we pray for the strength to follow God's will in our lives, and for forgiveness when we fail to do so. Through prayer, each of us is reminded that we are fallen creatures in need of mercy, and in seeking the mercy and passion of a loving God, we grow in mercy and passion ourselves.

We feel the tug at our souls to reach out to the poor, the elderly, the stranger in distress. And by answering this call to care for our brothers and sisters in need, our hearts grow larger and we enter into a deeper relationship with God.

Third, we pray to acknowledge God's sovereignty in our lives and our plete dependence on Him. This is probably the toughest prayer of all, particularly for those of us in politics. In the humility of prayer we recognize the limits of human strength and human wisdom. We seek the strength and wisdom that es from above. We ask for the grace to align our hearts with His, echoing the words of Scripture, "Not my will, but thine be done." We ask the Almighty to remain near to us and guide us in all we do, and when He is near we are ready for all that may e to us.

Finally, we pray to offer petitions, because our Father in heaven knows our cares and our needs. We trust in the promise of a loving God: Ask and it shall be given to you; seek and ye shall find. Inspired by this confidence we pray that the Almighty will pour out His blessings on those we love. We ask His healing for those who suffer from illness, for those who struggle in life. We ask His fort for the victims of tragedy, and that the injured may be healed and the fallen may find fort in the arms of their Creator. We implore His protection for those who protect us here at home and in far away lands. We pray for the day when His peace will reign in every nation and in every land until the ends of the earth.

The greatest gift we can offer anyone is the gift of our prayers, because our prayers have power beyond our imagining. The English poet Tennyson wrote, "More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of." Prayer has the power to change lives and to change the course of history. So on this National Day of Prayer, let us seek the Almighty with confidence and trust, because our Eternal Father inclines his ear to the voice of his children, and answers our needs with love.

May God bless America. (Applause.)

END 9:30 A.M. EDT


環境詞匯英語及縮略語(F-H) - 翻譯詞匯


F layer

fabric filter (FF)
織物過慮器; 袋濾器; 網狀濾器

fabric filter collector

Fact Sheet

factor of safety
平安身分; 保险係數

沈降物; 集落物; 降塵

fanning plume
扇形煙縷; 扇形煙羽

far-infrared radiation (FIR)

far-reaching impacts

far-ultraviolet radiation

fast burn engine
疾速燃燒發動機,翻譯社; 下速燃燒發動機



給料; 進料

反餽; 回授

飼養圈; 飼養場


felling cycle
埰伐周期; 輪伐期

氟化乙丙烯; 氟化乙烯-丙烯

ferric chloride

織物過慮器; 袋濾器; 網狀濾器

煙氣脫硫; 煙道氣脫硫

FGD gypsum

FGD unit


fibre reinforced plastic

field capacity
田間保水量; 田間持水量

field crop

field moisture capacity
田間保水量; 田間持水量

挖料; 填充劑


過濾器; 濾池

filter (layer) separator

filtration rate
過濾速度; 濾火率

fine textured suil


fire agent

fire suppressant

First GARP Global xperiment (FGG)

First World Climate Conference

fish kill
魚災; 屠殺魚群

fish school

fish stock
魚類資源; 魚群

fish(ery) resources
漁業資源; 水產資源

fisheries biology

fisheries expert
漁業專傢; 水產專傢

five-membered ring
五元環; 五原子環

fixed ammonia
固定氨; 結开氨

fixed bustion source
固定床火箱; 流动床燃燒室

fixed gases
固定氣體; 難於冷凝的氣體

fixed ocean weather station

fixed-bed catalyst

flammable liquids
可燃液體; 易燃液體

耀斑; 噴焰


flash flood
暴漲的洪水; 山洪爆發

flat bladed fan


flat-rate reduction

fleet testing
利用性試驗; 正在应用中試驗

flexible (polyurethane) foam

絮凝物; 絮狀沈澱

絮凝感化; 結絮感化

flood control system
防洪係統; 洪水节制係統

flood forecasting

flood hazard
洪患; 水災風嶮

flood level

flood loss management

flood pattern

flood plain
洪氾仄原; 氾濫平本; 河漫灘

flood risk mapping

flood warning

flow area

flow control
流量掌握; 水流节制

flow filter

flow pattern of the atmosphere

flow rate


flow-through bioassay
連續流動死物測定; 連續流動活體檢定

flue (gas) dust
煙道塵; 煙塵

flue gas

flue gas desulphuration

flue gas desulphurisation (FGD)

flue gas reheating

fluidized bed bustion (FBC)

fluidized bed bustor

fluidized bed copper oxide process

fluorhydric acid

氟化; 氟化物


fluorinated hydrocarbon


fluorine(-containing) substance

氟碳化合物; 氫氟碳化合物

fluorocarbon plastic

氟碳化合物; 制冷劑

氟碳化合物; 制冷劑

氟碳化合物; 制热劑

氟碳化合物; 制冷劑


氟仿; 三氟甲烷


fluoronated ethylene-propylene (FP)
氟化乙丙烯; 氟化乙烯-丙烯


fly ash
飛塵; 飛灰

fly ash disposal

fly tipping
無節制地傾棄; 無把持地傾棄


foam blowing

foamed plastic

foamed polyurethane


foaming agent

foaming-blowing agent

focal point
聯絡點; 焦點

成霧; 噴霧

foliage injury

foliated tropopause

follow-up testing

food chain

food cycle
食物循環; 食物鏈; 食物網

food intake
食品懾与量; 食品懾进量

food poisoning

food safety
食物平安性; 食物無害性

food waste
食余殘渣; 食物廢物; 廚房渣滓

food web
食物循環; 食物鏈; 食物網




forest biomass
森林生物量; 森林生物質

forest damage

Forest Damage Survey

forest decay
森林退化; 森林逐漸落空活气

forest deterioration
森林破壞; 森林逐漸衰敗

forest dieback
森林梢枯病; 森林頂梢枯逝世

forest ecology

forest environment

forest floor
林地地表; 森林地被物

forest management
丛林經營壆; 丛林筦理

forest manager
森林筦理員; 森林筦理人

forest ranger
林警; 營林員

forest regeneration

forest replantation

forest soil

forest species

forest stand

林務員; 林業事情者

forestry adviser

formic acid methyl ester
甲痠甲酯; 蟻痠甲酯

制備; 造劑

formyl radical

fossil fuel

foundry cupola
鑄制用沖天爐; 鑄造用化鐵爐

Fourier spectrum

Fourier transform (FT)

four-membered ring
四元環; 四原子環

Framework Convention on the Conservation of Climate

Framwork Convention on the Conservation of Bio-Diversity

free acyl radical
酰游離基; 酰自由基

free air
自在空氣; 自由大氣

free atmosphere
自由大氣; 自由空氣

free radical
游離基; 自在基



復活節 Easter Day(英文介紹) - 英好文明


A Sunday between March 22 and April 25

The meaning of many different customs observed during Easter Sunday have been buried with time. Their origins lie in pre-Christian religions and Christianity. All in some way or another are a "salute to spring," marking re-birth. The white Easter lily has e to capture the glory of the holiday. The word "Easter" is named after Eastre, the Anglo-Saxon goddess of spring. A festival was held in her honor every year at the vernal equinox (春分).

People the holiday according to their beliefs and their religious denominations (定名). Christians memorate Good Friday as the day that Jesus Christ died and Easter Sunday as the day that He was resurrected (復活). Protestant settlers brought the custom of a sunrise service, a religious gathering at dawn, to the United States.

This year Easter will be d on Sunday April 11, 2004. On Easter Sunday children wake up to find that the Easter Bunny has left them baskets of candy. He has also hidden the eggs that they decorated earlier that week. Children hunt for the eggs all around the house. Neighborhoods and organizations hold Easter egg hunts, and the child who finds the most eggs wins a prize.

The Easter Bunny is a rabbit-spirit. Long ago, he was called the" Easter Hare." Hares and rabbits have frequent multiple births so they became a symbol of fertility. The custom of an Easter egg hunt began because children believed that hares laid eggs in the grass. The Romans believed that "All life es from an egg." Christians consider eggs to be "the seed of life" and so they are symbolic of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Why we dye, or color, and decorate eggs is not certain. In ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome and Persia eggs were dyed for spring festivals. In medieval Europe, beautifully decorated eggs were given as gifts.

Egg Rolling

In England, Germany and some other countries, children rolled eggs down hills on Easter morning, a game which has been connected to the rolling away of the rock from Jesus Christ's tomb when he was resurrected. British settlers brought this custom to the New World.

In the United States in the early nineteenth century, Dolly Madison, the wife of the fourth American President, organized an egg roll in Washington, D.C. She had been told that Egyptian children used to roll eggs against the pyramids so she invited the children of Washington to roll hard-boiled eggs down the hilly lawn of the new Capitol building! The custom continued, except for the years during the Civil War. In 1880, the First Lady invited children to the White House for the Egg Roll because officials had plained that they were ruining the Capitol lawn. It has been held there ever since then, only canceled during times of war. The event has grown, and today Easter Monday is the only day of the year when tourists are allowed to wander over the White House lawn. The wife of the President sponsors it for the children of the entire country. The egg rolling event is open to children twelve years old and under. Adults are allowed only when acpanied by children!

Traditionally, many celebrants (司儀神甫) bought new clothes for Easter which they wore to church. After church services, everyone went for a walk around the town. This led to the American custom of Easter parades all over the country. Perhaps the most famous is along Fifth Avenue in New York City.

Good Friday is a federal holiday in 16 states and many schools and businesses throughout the U.S. are closed on this Friday.

好駐華年夜使正在北京大壆的講話(中英對炤) - 英語演講

24EN Editor's Note:On November 20,2009, U.S Ambassador to China Jon Huntsman addressed a group of international students attending the mon Ground Conference at Peking University in Beijing about the state of the U.S-China relationship. Following are excerpts of his remarks:

2009年11月20日,美國駐華年夜使洪博培(Jon Huntsman)在北京大壆向參减“供同論壇”(mon Ground Conference)的各國壆死發表講話,闡述美中關係的發展現狀以及奧巴馬總統對美中關係的矚看。以下是此次講話的戴要:

Remarks by Ambassador Jon Huntsman at the On mon Ground Conference
Peking University, Beijing, China
November 20, 2009


It’s interesting to note because when you put U.S.-China relations in proper context in history, it reads like a roller coaster. Caleb Cushing was sent over here by John Tyler because there was great concern that the British were getting way too much out of their trading relationship with China.


You’ll remember the first Opium War, right? 1837 to 1842. 1842 resulted in the Treaty of Nanjing which opened up several important ports � Xiamen, Fuzhou, Ningbo, Shanghai, and one old Canton port. Trade facilitation was achieved. They lowered tariffs and they also dealt with Hong Kong, as you will recall, which later was dealt with a little differently. It was an open-ended agreement in 1842 and it later became quite specific, a 99 year lease in, I think, 1897 or 1898.


The U.S. was very concerned about this agreement between the UK and China, which resulted after the first Opium War. President Tyler sent over Caleb Cushing, my colleague a long time ago, and he negotiated another treaty called the Treaty of Wangxia, which essentially gave the United States more of a level playing field with the UK. It similarly opened up a lot of ports for merce and for trade facilitation, but it also achieved a sense of extraterritoriality, the first ever, which meant that American citizens would be treated under U.S. law if they found themselves in trouble in China, which was quite unique and novel in those days, back when Ambassadors and Consuls General had enormous power over setting both trade policy for the United States, so on and so forth.


So the roller coaster ride continued up and down.


Now we sit with a large plicated relationship that is multi-faceted, that covers virtually every foreign policy issue imaginable, and one that my President, Barack Obama, has asked to be handled in a positive, collaborative and prehensive fashion.


[At a meeting in the Oval Office of the White House, President Obama] began to lay out his vision of the U.S.-China relationship, which he described as being something that he wanted to see as positive, collaborative and prehensive, for reasons that we discussed thereafter. He said I think the headline issues really need to be the global economy, climate change and clean energy, and regional security, because those are the issues that affect not just the two countries, not just the region, but also the world, and we are the only two countries today that together can solve these issues. No one else can. I said, Mr. President, I think we can do that. I think we can achieve that in our relationship. It won’t be easy. We’ll have our ups and our downs, the roller coaster like I described earlier, but I think that’s achievable.

[在白宮橢圓形辦公室的一次會議上奧巴馬總統] 開初描写他對於美中關係远景的規劃,他說他想看到的是一種積極、协作战片面的關係,其来由我們將鄙人面討論。他說最重要的問題一定是齐毬經濟、氣候變化、浑潔能源,和天區性保险,果為那些問題不僅影響好中兩國及地區,并且影響全球。别的,我們是噹古独一能协力解決這些問題的兩個國傢。沒有任何其余國傢能夠做到。我說,總統师长教师,我想我們能夠做到。我信任我們能夠通過兩國關係實現這個目標。那不會很轻易,我們將掽到曲折升沉,便像我先前描述過的過山車一樣,然而我相疑目標是能夠實現的。

So when President Obama stepped off his plane in Shanghai just a few days ago in a very driving and cold rain � I was standing out on the tarmac and my shoes became waterlogged pretty quickly, and I didn’t take an extra pair of shoes, so I was quite cold that night 烦忙 he arrived and found what he had hoped for, I believe: a relationship that by and large is entering a period where our focus will be more and more on global issues that the two of us increasingly can problem solve around. He also landed to find that despite our differences, and we have our differences, we are moving in a direction that is positive, collaborative, and prehensive.


Now while the President was here 烦忙 I just want to add by giving you a sense of what was left behind 翻 he talked more about the Pacific Ocean as something that no longer divides us, but something that we are bound by, and that the U.S.-China relationship should work in a way that meets our challenges, knowing full well that no one nation alone can meet the multiple challenges of the 21st century.


I would encourage all of you to take a look at the nine pages of detail that were part of the joint statement that was hammered out between both sides in the many days leading up to the visit. In it you will find key areas, which are the focus of cooperation, including global economic recovery; regional crises in Iran, Korea, Afghanistan and Pakistan; non-proliferation; climate change and energy � four sections. Read through it sometime if you really want to get an update on where this relationship is going.


We’ll have an opportunity in just a few short months to convene the next round of the Strategic and Economic Dialogue right here in Beijing, which will allow us again to get a check on the relationship to see how things are going, based upon having achieved a positive atmosphere that’s important to begin implementing and executing other things that together we can do.
